You may print tickets (the .PDF document with barcodes) -OR- you may bring them on your phone. If you bring them on your phone, the barcode needs to be visible so they can be scanned at the gate. ***SCROLL DOWN FOR REGULAR ADMISSION TICKETS. ZOO NIGHTS AND LIGHTS TICKETS ARE FOR NIGHT OF EVENT ONLY***
({{packageItem.quantity}}) {{packageItem.itemName}}{{packageItem.passInfoLinkEl.text}}
Earn{{item.accrualPoints}} {{subCategory.pluAccrualPointsHeader}}per ticket.
Redeem{{item.price}} {{subCategory.pluPointsHeader}}
There are no dates available for this event.
Your current membership allows the following members:
Adults: {{viewModel.maxAdults}}
Children: {{viewModel.maxChildren}}
Children: Unlimited
Add-Ons: {{viewModel.currentAddOns}}
Are you interested in adding another individual to the membership?
You can add {{viewModel.remainingAddOns}} more individualmore individuals
({{packageItem.Quantity}}) {{packageItem.Name}}
There are no events available for your current selection.